A Tort Of A Situation

A Tort Of A Situation


foreign deficiency is alien 

of the Departments

research the Ancients Republicans ancient Democrats are ancient

the modern

ancients even um Africa they already have a museum uh is not islamics

um Ezra the art and including

agriculture as it was just saying build it

the areas of the Seven Seas overseas board committee

the resistance the medievals

Islamic was supposed to be near the year of Egypt it still is uh London is near Europe's Egypt still is of the British even if they vote you Vogue magazine

you just pick it up from the store and read about it

um life science and liberal history instead of me taking it personal scene oh this is my resume has under my history actually this is prehistoric at the Round Table of round one around two


biotechnology biology um I attack I said bi-weekly the industrial diversity leadership and the job title of a job market the Mastery science and degree of MS

the MBA

or NLT of art MBA Mastery of business um Administration deploy discovery under Urban belief of design

integration and The Business

of Masters Degree Arts and Science the next generation of next gen

by starting a first generation uh converted jobs with engineering bioengineering enable the stem cell and repair it in the generation of biology

adjust the levels of uh Urban belief and a verbal presentation by using re-animated corpse of Animation to get a visual

what is the right thing to do who has the right morals on her code of contact or behavior patterns of urban belief and Design

um share pleasure or pain and a moral oral concept oral means to speak

instead of sign language

hey uh oral means to speak moral is to go to contact and behavior patterns but it's under Urban belief in design

if you get a pattern inside

thank you

um attitude is mood I don't know that yet

um the injunction of museums

under the Commandments of the Bible will give you the commands and guide of guidance

um ah

so pretty much your emotions your attitude mood you can't help that

that's a natural reaction a custom made Evolution people are trying to let's stay under the Lord of War and essay to question the value of belief from the plans of a Dying World in the solar system

conquer you're evil

because Humanity

and then um


if there's a fake government create your own government have controversy evoking instead of that means provoke it in a good way there's a bad provoking there's bad provoke and a good provoke evoke it invoke it participate evoke it avoid harm set boundaries personal boundaries

yes provoke it in a vocation to a bouquet and also you can obtain that but there's a fake government use another government of create your own government based on their beliefs



um the the good and the bad company are you in Bad Company doing your employment when you're employed

um the state of mankind the Doom of the closure of the hell portal The Stairway to Heaven on Earth Hills pilgrims the sword the staff of a God the paradise of a Promised Land the members of the Armed Force members of the nursing field that open Medals of the Open Fields The Commandments that command the fields and how the trifle the trifling the trinity

a tort of a situation

a sign a symbol with shape but sky has despaired your world

or spared here with their self that's what this what the shield looks like this sword is this it's it

it's a spade 

From Nicole Smith


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