The Lob


chat from Nicole Smith

Welcome to our chat! You are in the "Lobby" now, but you can pass into any other public room you wish to - take a look at the "All rooms" box.
StarTears: hello
StarTears: so far I am know I am not from your plante, 
StarTears: there is too little but yet too much ppl know and do not know , also wish to speck of.
StarTears: i have sories and would love to explain
StarTears: Aug. 19, 2013 8:41
StarTears: I am gonna share a life time of stories stoiries with anyone to whom wishes to listen. this  story began before earth before time. But visons are wisdom so needless to say I start telling you about star spears tears. now we are are gonna stay saying that she is a E_nigma. now her nick name is gonna be  tears. 
StarTears: why are there not stars out at night  


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